Я радий вітати вас на сайті кафедри Інфраструктури авіаційного транспорту

The department prepares specialists who are competitive on the labor market, capable of solving complex non-standard tasks and problems of an engineering nature in the field of construction and civil engineering, who possess modern computer design technologies, knowledge and skills in the construction and operation of airfields.

The Department of Aviation Transport Infrastructure is a graduate department and was established in March 2023. 

Currently, the Department of Aviation Transport Infrastructure of the Faculty of Ground Structures and Airfields of the National Aviation University is training future construction engineers of Bachelor's degree and Master's degree within the field of knowledge 19 "Architecture and construction", specialty 192 "Construction and civil engineering", educational programs "Design and operation of airfields" and "Roads and airfields".

Design and operation of airfields is a new educational program offered to entrants of the National Aviation University. It is based on the economic forecasts of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). In particular, the forecast of the net profit of the global aviation industry in 2023 will increase to 9.8 billion dollars, which indicates the recovery of passenger traffic to the previous level.

Having completed training at the Department of Aviation Transport Infrastructure, the student becomes an engineer who has thoroughly mastered his specialty.

Oleksandr Dubyk